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Eureka Handleless Razor

Patent GB123509

Invention Razor

Filed Thursday, 28th November 1918

Published Thursday, 27th February 1919

Inventor Heinrich Besançon

Owner Gugy Frères

Language English

Other countries CH77959, US1326635

CPC Classification:   

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Convention Date (Switzerland), Feb. 20, 1918. Application Date (in the United Kingdom), Nov. 28, 1918.   No. 19,669/18. Complete Accepted, Feb. 27, 1919.


We, Gugy Frères of Gleresse, Berne, Switzerland, Manufacturers, Assignees of Heinrich Besançon, of Biel, Switzerland, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement:—

The subject of the present invention is a razor in which a steel lamina forming the razor blade is held between the resilient ends of a folded metal strip. The feature of the device is that the blade holder is formed solely by the said metal strip and is so shaped that it serves as a handle for the device, means being provided for pressing the resilient ends of the holder against the blade or allowing the same to be released.

One embodiment of the invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawing in which Fig. 1 is a plan view and Fig. 2 a section on the line A—B of Fig. 1.

In the embodiment shown the blade holder consists of the folded resilient metal strip a. The latter has two limbs a1, a11, the ends b, b1, of which form the clamping jaws between which the razor blade d is arranged and clamped. The upper clamping jaw is fitted with three studs c adapted to pass through the blade d formed of a thin steel lamina, and through corresponding openings in the lower clamping jaw. The central stud c is screw threaded and fitted with a nut e. By tightening the latter the clamping jaws are brought together, clamping the blade d in position. If the nut is loosened back the clamping jaws separate from one another, and the blade can then be removed from the holder. The lower clamping jaw is formed with comb-like teeth at its free end while the upper clamping jaw is slightly arched; the lower jaw may be arched similarly to the upper in such manner that the blade when clamped may be correspondingly bent, and thus more firmly held.

Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of our said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, we declare that what we claim is:—

1. A safety razor in which a steel lamina forming the razor blade is held between the resilient ends of a folded metal strip characterised by this that the blade holder is formed solely by the said metal strip and is so shaped that it serves as a handle for the device, means being provided for pressing the resilient ends of the holder against the blade or allowing the same to be released.

2. A safety razor as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the one clamping jaw is fitted with studs which pass through openings in the blade and in the other clamping jaw, one of the studs being screw threaded and fitted with a nut as and for the purpose set forth.

Dated this 28th day of November, 1918.


Harold Cruikshank Fairweather,


65—66, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 2, and

62, Saint Vincent Street, Glasgow,

Agents for the Applicants.