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Illuminating Razor Attachments

Patent GB191310811

Invention Improvements in or relating to Razors

Filed Wednesday, 7th May 1913

Published Thursday, 23rd October 1913

Inventor Frederick Nathaniel Davidson

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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N° 10,811 A.D. 1913
Date of Application, 7th May, 1913 — Accepted, 23rd Oct., 1913 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or relating to Razors

I, Frederick Nathaniel Davidson, Manufacturing Optician, of 29, Great Portland Street, in the County of London, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement:—

This invention is for improvements in or relating to razors and has for its object to enable the user to see clearly that portion of the surface to be shaved which lies immediately in front of the razor edge.

As is well-known various illuminating means have been provided for shaving purposes, one of which comprises a mirror having in it an orifice fitted with a lens behind which is an electric light so that a pencil of light is projected from the front of the mirror through the lens. This, however, necessitates that the surface to be shaved must be continually moved to keep that part which at the moment is under the razor in the pencil of light.

The present invention comprises a device constituting a source of light and adapted to be borne on a razor in such position as always to illuminate that portion of the surface to be shaved which lies immediately in front of the razor edge. More particularly an electric lamp bulb connected by a flexible wire to a source of electric supply is provided with means for securing it on the razor and it will be seen that as the lamp bulb is connected to the razor, it will always follow the same, so that no movement of the person being shaved is necessary to get the proper illumination.

It has heretofore been proposed to mount an electric lamp on a pen or pencil so as to illuminate a small region about the point. No claim is made broadly to the use of an electric lamp mounted on some article to illuminate the place of operation of the article, nor is any claim made broadly to the particular means hereinafter described whereby the lamp is mounted on the razor so as to be adjustable with respect to it.

The socket for the lamp-bulb may be permanently attached to the razor or it may be carried by a clip which can be secured to any existing razor, an adjusting arm being provided if desired between the clip and the socket of the lamp-bulb to permit of the bulb being brought to such position as to most advantageously illuminate the surface to be shaved.

In the accompanying drawings—

Figure 1 is a perspective view of a safety razor with a lamp-bulb attachment according to the present invention, and

Figure 2 is a perspective view of an ordinary razor with a lamp-bulb attachment according to the present invention.

The lamp-bulb A, Figure 1, is mounted in any convenient form of socket, which in turn is carried by a clip B adapted to spring on to the handle C of a safety razor. From the lamp-bulb socket a flexible wire D extends having a plug D1 at the other end for connection to a corresponding receiving-piece in circuit with a battery or other source of electric supply. In this form of the invention, the only adjustment possible is lengthwise of the handle to bring the lamp-bulb nearer to or further from the surface to be shaved, but an adjustable arm may be provided to carry the lamp-bulb if desired, as shown in Figure 2.

In Figure 2 the apparatus is illustrated as applied to an ordinary razor, as the adjustable arm is particularly desirable for use with these, in that every razor is not made of the same proportions and different persons use the handle and blade in different positions relatively to one another.

The lamp-bulb E is in this case carried in a socket forming part of, or secured to, a tube E1 provided with a lateral spherically-ended stud E2. The spherical end lies between the ends of two plates F which are clamped together by screws F1. Each plate has a hole F2 in its end opposite the spherical portion of the stud E2 and these holes form sockets for the spherical portion so that a ball-and-socket joint is thereby constituted. The other ends of the plates also each have a hole F3 in them which lie opposite the spherical end of a stud G1 on a clip G whose jaws embrace the handle H of the razor with which the device is to be employed; the clip is made fast by a screw G2 which draws the jaws together.

The lamp-socket has extending from it flexible wires J connected to a plug J1 whereby connection may be made with a battery or other source of electric supply, as described with reference to Figure 1.

It will be seen that the two plates F constitute an adjustable arm allowing a considerable degree of movement to the bulb E, and the screws F1 can be drawn up sufficiently tight to cause the plates F to grip the spherical ends of the studs E2, G1 with a force sufficient to hold the parts in any position in which they are set, although the grip is not such as to prevent easy adjustment of the parts.

Although the invention has been described as provided with an electric lamp, it will be appreciated that any source of light of sufficiently illuminating power can be used instead of electric light.

It will be appreciated that the socket for the lamp-bulb A may be made integral with or permanently secured to the handle C of the safety-razor if desired; other minor modifications will suggest themselves in connection with both constructions of the apparatus shown, and all such modifications are considered to fall within the scope of the present invention.

Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, I declare that what I claim is:—

1. For a razor a device constituting a source of light and adapted to be borne on the razor for the purpose described.

2. The combination with an electric lamp-bulb connected (for example by a flexible wire) to a source of electric supply, of means for securing it to a razor in such position as to always illuminate that portion of the surface to be shaved which lies immediately in front of the razor edge.

3. The combination of parts set forth in Claiming-clause No. 2 when the means for securing the electric lamp-bulb to the razor comprises a clip (for example G to-engage the handle of an ordinary razor) and an adjustable connection (for example the arm F connected by universal joints E2 F2 and G1 F3 to the lamp-bulb element and clip respectively) between the lamp-bulb element and clip for the purpose described.

4. The parts for attaching an electric lamp-bulb to a razor with or without their combination with a razor substantially as described and illustrated in Figure 1 or Figure 2 of the accompanying drawings.

Dated this 6th day of May, 1913.


111 & 112, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.,

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