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Razor Guard

Patent US290146

Invention Razor-Guard

Filed Wednesday, 16th May 1883

Published Tuesday, 11th December 1883

Inventor James P. Tryner

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • B26B21/02
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor involving unchangeable blades
  • B
    Performing Operations; Transporting
  • B26
    Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing
  • B26B
    Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For
  • B26B21/00
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor

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No. 290,146.Patented Dec. 11, 1883.
United States Patent Office.

James P. Tryner, of Denver, Colorado. Razor-Guard
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 290,146, dated December 11, 1883. Application filed May 16, 1883. (Model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, James P. Tryner, of Denver, Arapahoe county, Colorado, have invented a new and Improved Razor-Guard, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description.

The object of my invention is to provide a new and improved razor-guard for preventing the cutting-edge of the razor from cutting the person using the razor.

The invention consists in a razor-guard formed of a strip having a forked arm at each end, in the ends of the prongs of which forks rollers are journaled, one of which will be slightly above and the other slightly below the cutting-edge of the blade. On one of the prongs a check-plate is fastened, and on the upper surface of the strip a spring is fastened for pressing the blade upward.

Reference is to be had to the accompanying drawings, forming part of this specification, in which similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts in all the figures.

Figure 1 is a perspective view of my improved razor-guard; Fig. 2, a cross-sectional elevation of the same, looking in one direction, and of a razor in the guard; and Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional elevation of the guard, looking in the opposite direction.

A metal strip, A, is provided at the ends with angularly-projecting forked arms B B′, each composed of two prongs, a b and a′ b′, respectively, of which the corresponding prongs b b′ are slightly longer than the prongs a a′. The prongs are provided near the upper ends with inwardly-projecting lugs d d′, between which a slot is formed. In the upper ends of the prongs a a′ and b b′, rods or rollers C C′ are pivoted in such a manner that they can revolve on their longitudinal axes. A bow-spring or like spring, D, is fastened at its middle to the upper surface of the strip A, the free ends of the said spring projecting upward. A plate, E, is fastened to the outer end surface of the prong b′, near its upper end, the said plate projecting over the outer end surface of the prong a′. The prongs of the forks B B′ have sufficient spring to permit drawing them apart at the upper or free ends. The plate E forms a check to prevent pushing the blade too far through the device. The entire device forms a frame carrying two rollers—one slightly above and the other slightly below the cutting-edge of the blade—which rollers prevent the blade from cutting the skin of the person using the razor.

The operation is as follows: The razor-blade F is passed in between the prongs a b a′ b′ in such a manner that the back of the blade will rest on the spring D, the blade being held a short distance from the cutting-edge between the projections d d and d′ d′. The free end of the blade abuts against the inner surface of the plate E. The spring D presses the blade upward, and the projections d d′ prevent the blade from being pressed upward too far. The blade is raised until the cutting-edge projects up to an imaginary inclined line laid over the rods or rollers C C′. The blade will then project sufficiently to cut off the hairs, but the rollers C C′ prevent it from cutting into the skin.

The above-described device can easily be placed in any razor-blade or removed from the same.

Having thus described my invention, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—

1. A razor-guard constructed of a strip having a forked arm at each end, two rollers being journaled in the ends of the corresponding prongs of the forks, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

2. In a razor-guard, the combination, with a strip having a forked arm at each end, of a spring attached to the upper surface of the strip, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

3. A razor-guard constructed of a strip, A, provided at the ends with forked arms B B′, having prongs a a′ b b′, provided near the upper ends with lugs d d′, and having rollers C C′, journaled in the ends of the prongs, and a spring, D, located between the forked arms B B′,substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

James P. Tryner.


H. T. Pace,

D. J. Russell.