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Curley Ideal Safety Razor

Patent US398947

Invention Safety-Guard for Razor

Filed Friday, 6th July 1888

Published Tuesday, 5th March 1889

Inventors Terence F. Curley, Albert S. Granger

Owner Terence F. Curley

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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No. 398,947.Patented Mar. 5, 1889.
United States Patent Office.

Terence F. Curley and Albert S. Granger, of Brooklyn, New York; said Granger assignor to said Curley. Safety-Guard for Razor.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 398,947, dated March 5, 1889. Application filed July 6, 1888. Serial No. 279,183. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that we, Terence F. Curley and Albert S. Granger, both of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented a new and Improved Safety-Guard Razor, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the annexed drawings, forming a part thereof, in which—

Figure 1 is a side elevation of our improved safety-razor, with a portion broken away to more clearly show the construction. Fig. 2 is a side sectional elevation showing the guard unfastened and partly removed from the razor-back. Fig. 3 is a transverse section taken on line x x in Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a transverse section taken on line y y in Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a transverse section taken on line zz in Fig. 2, looking toward the end of the razor-guard. Fig. 6 is a side elevation of a modified form of our improved razor. Fig. 7 is an edge view of the same, and Fig. 8 is a transverse section taken on line z′ z′ in Fig. 6.

Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts in all the views.

The object of our invention is to construct a razor with a removable swinging reversible guard, which may be readily reversed to permit using either side of the blade and which may be removed, when necessary, to permit of the exchange of razor-blades.

Our invention consists in the combination, with a tubular razor-back pivoted in a handle, of a razor-blade inserted in the back and a swinging reversible guard pivoted upon the razor-back and capable of swinging against either side of the blade.

It also consists in a reversible guard having oblique ribs or corrugations on opposite sides, all as hereinafter fully described, and pointed out in the claims.

The tubular back A is provided with a U-shaped shank, B, which is pivoted in a handle, C, upon the rivet a. Upon one side of the tubular back A is formed a slot, b, which corresponds in position with the groove of the shank B, and to the tubular back is fitted the razor-blade D, which slips into the slot of the tube and is retained therein by the back of the blade, which is wider than the slot of the tubular back.

The guard E consists of a flat bar of metal bent twice at right angles in the same direction, forming arms c d, the arm d being formed at its extremity into a circular eye, e, adapted to fit over the tubular back A, and provided with a slot, f, which permits it to slip over the back while the blade D is held by the back. Opposite sides of the middle portion of the guard E are furnished with oblique transverse ribs a′, which contact with the sides of the blade of the razor, allowing the beard to pass between the ribs, at the same time preventing the blade from cutting the flesh. The arm c of the guard E is longer than the arm d, and is provided with a short stud, g, which fits into the end of the tubular back A.

To the shank B is fitted an arm, F, which turns on the pivotal rivet a and is provided with a T-shaped head, h, the width of the narrower portion of which is equal to the diameter of the tubular back A. The arm F is provided with a serrated concave edge, i, and with a tang, j, which extends beyond the pivotal rivet a.

When the guard is in the position shown in Fig. 1, the razor is arranged for use. When it is desired to strop the razor, the guard is turned back through a half-revolution, so that it will lie in the same plane as the razor-blade, but upon the opposite side of the razor-back. When it is desired to remove the razor-blade D, the arm F is turned on its pivot, releasing the arm d of the guard E, allowing it to be moved longitudinally along the tubular back A, when the blade D may be pushed out from the free end of the back.

When the guard E is in place, as shown in Fig. 1, the arm c engages a notch, k, in the end of the tubular back A.

In the modification shown in Figs. 6, 7, and 8 the guard E′ turns, in the same manner as before described, upon the back A′; but the eye e′, which turns upon the back, is not slotted, and the guard is provided with a lug, b′, which is engaged by a forked latch, c′, formed upon the end of the arm F′, the said arm being placed in the U-shaped shank B′, and arranged to turn on the rivet a2, as in the other case. In this case, when it is desired to remove the blade D′ the arm e2 of the guard E′ is sprung out of the end of the tubular back A′ and swung laterally, so as to allow the blade D′ to slide out.

Having thus described our invention, we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—

1. The combination, with the slotted tubular back A, provided with the hollow shank B, of the razor-blade D, held by the tubular back, the swinging guard E, provided with the slotted eye e, and having the stud g and the swinging arm F, provided with the T-shaped head h, substantially as specified.

2. In a safety-razor, a reversible guard, E, provided with transverse ribs a′ upon opposite sides, substantially as specified.

3. In a safety-razor, the combination, with the slotted tubular back A, and the razor-blade D, held by the said tubular back, of a swinging guard E, provided with transverse ribs a′, and a fastener for holding the guard in the position of use, substantially as specified.

Terence F. Curley.
Albert S. Granger.


Geo. M. Hopkins,

C. Sedgwick.