Lather Catcher SE Razor
Patent US645017
Invention Safety-Razor
Filed Thursday, 6th July 1899
Published Tuesday, 6th March 1900
Inventor August William Scheuber
Owner Mary Zinn
Language English
August Scheuber's first razor patent.
CPC Classification:B26B21/24
- B26B21/24
Safety razors with one or more blades arranged transversely to the handle of the magazine type; of the injector type - B
Performing Operations; Transporting - B26
Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing - B26B
Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For - B26B21/00
Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor - B26B21/08
Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor involving changeable blades - B26B21/14
Safety razors with one or more blades arranged transversely to the handle
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Parts not referenced in the text: None
Parts not referenced in the images: None
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, August Wm. Scheuber, a citizen of the United States, residing at New York city, borough of Manhattan, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented new and useful Improvements in Safety-Razors, of which the following is a specification.
By means of this invention the blade of a safety-razor can be accurately adjusted and securely held in proper position for use; and the invention resides in the novel features of construction set forth in the following specification and claims and illustrated in the annexed drawings, in which—
The body of the instrument is shown in the form of a shell
The spring blade-retainers or rather the bar
A practical construction is to form the finger-piece
The comb-plate
In practice the springs
What I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—
1. A comb or blade support combined with a spring blade-retainer made to force the blade backward, and a rigid or unyielding stop for limiting the backward motion of the blade substantially as described.
2. A comb or blade support combined with a spring blade-retainer made to force the blade backward, and an adjustable stop or screw made to sit against the blade-back substantially as described.
3. A comb-plate and a spring blade-retainer secured at the front of the plate, combined with lugs at the back of the comb-plate clear of the retainer, and stops in said lugs substantially as described.
4. A comb or blade support combined with a spring blade-retainer and a blade-stop, said retainer having a finger-piece for enabling the retainer to be moved from and to engaging position substantially as described.
5. A blade-support, a spring blade-retainer and a blade-stop, said retainer having a finger-piece for enabling the retainer to be raised to release the blade, said finger-piece when raised being made to spring or rest on the support to remain or automatically lock itself in releasing position substantially as described.
6. A rigid or unyielding blade-support, and a rigid or unyielding back-stop, combined with a spring blade-retainer for forcing a blade down onto the support and back against the stop so that said blade will be in fixed position or positive adjustment during use substantially as described.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
August Wm. Scheuber.
W. C. Hauff,
E. F. Kastenhuber.