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Moustache Guard

Patent US651291

Invention Mustache-Guard

Filed Saturday, 9th September 1899

Published Tuesday, 5th June 1900

Inventor George Bohner

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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No. 651,291.Patented June 5, 1900.
United States Patent Office.

George Bohner, of Chicago, Illinois. Mustache-Guard.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 651,291, dated June 5, 1900. Application filed September 9, 1899. Serial No. 730,021. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, George Bohner, a citizen of the United States, residing at Chicago, in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Mustache-Trainers; and I do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part of this specification.

The present invention relates to that class of appliances which are worn for a short interval of time over a person's mustache, and usually during the time of making one's toilet, to train the mustache in the desired direction.

The object of the present improvement is to provide a simple, convenient, and efficient appliance for such use in which means for initially bringing the mustache to proper condition and position are combined with a pliant compress for positively compressing and training the mustache in the desired direction, all as will hereinafter more fully appear. I attain such object by the construction and arrangement of parts illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which—

Figure 1 is an elevation illustrating my present invention, with a pair of combs attached directly to the pliant compress in a position transverse to the length of the compress; Fig. 2, a similar view illustrating the pair of combs attached in like relation by means of connecting-flaps; Fig. 3, a similar view illustrating the pair of combs attached directly to the lower edge of the pliant compress; Fig. 4, a similar view illustrating the pair of combs attached to the lower edge of the pliant compress by connecting-flaps.

Similar numerals of reference indicate like parts in the different views.

Referring to the drawings, 1 represents the pliant compress member of the present mustache-trainer formed of any usual and suitable pliable material or fabric and which may be of any usual and suitable form, preferably that shown in the drawings, in which the narrow central portion expands in opposite directions into widened ends to which the attaching-cords 2 or other usual means are connected to afford an easy and convenient attachment of the compress in place over the mustache.

The present invention comprehends, broadly, the combination, with the described type of pliant compress, of one or more comb members 3, secured thereto in any suitable manner. In Figs. 1 and 3 such comb members are shown attached directly to the pliant compress member 1 by means of stitches or loops passing through orifices in the combs and through the pliant compress member, the arrangement of the combs in Fig. 1 being substantially parallel with the lower edge of the pliant compress, while in the arrangement shown in Fig. 3 they have a transverse arrangement with relation to the length of the compress. In Figs. 2 and 4 such comb members are attached to the free ends of short flaps 4, which are in turn secured to the pliant compress member, the purpose being to afford a greater range of independent adjustment to the combs than would be afforded by the direct connection illustrated in Figs. 1 and 3. In Fig. 4 the arrangement of the combs will normally be in substantially-parallel relation with the lower edge of the pliant compress, while in the arrangement shown in Fig. 2 they have a transverse arrangement normally with relation to the length of the pliant compress.

In use the comb members will be inserted into the mustache to bring the same into the proper condition and desired direction, after which the pliant compress member will be drawn over the mustache and combs and secured in place in the usual manner to maintain a compressive action upon the mustache for the proper period of time.

Having thus fully described my said invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—

1. In a mustache-trainer, the combination of a pliant compress member, and a pair of combs attached to such member, one on each side of a central point whereby the two branches of the mustache are engaged, substantially as set forth.

2. In a mustache-trainer, the combination of a pliant compress member, and a pair of combs attached loosely thereto by means of flaps, and with the combs attached one on each side of a central point, whereby the two branches of the mustache are engaged, substantially as set forth.

In testimony whereof witness my hand this 6th day of September, 1899.

George Bohner.

In presence of—

Robert Burns,

M. H. Holmes.