Stropping Machine
Patent US658650
Invention Razor-Stropping Device
Filed Tuesday, 17th July 1900
Published Tuesday, 25th September 1900
Inventors Frederick, Otto and Richard Kampfe
Language English
CPC Classification:B24D15/08
- B24D15/08
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges of knives; of razors - B
Performing Operations; Transporting - B24
Grinding; Polishing - B24D
Tools For Grinding, Buffing, Or Sharpening - B24D15/00
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping - B24D15/06
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges
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Parts not referenced in the text: None
Parts not referenced in the images: None
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, Frederick Kampfe, Richard Kampfe, and Otto Kampfe, citizens of the United States, and residents of the city of New York, borough of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Razor-Stropping Devices, of which the following is a specification.
The object of our invention is to provide a new and improved razor-stropping device, which is simple in construction, strong and durable, and effective and reliable in use.
In the accompanying drawings, in which like letters of reference indicate like parts in all the figures,
The handle-frame
The operation is as follows: The stropping-machine is placed upon the strop in such a manner that the friction-arms
We have shown the friction-arms
Having described our invention, what we claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—
1. In a machine for stropping razor-blades, the combination with a handle-frame, of a rod fixed on the frame and extending longitudinally and centrally over the same, a blade-holder mounted rotativeiy on the upper end of said rod, a pinion connected with the blade-holder, a plate pivoted to the handle-frame and having friction-arms and a rack on said plate engaging the pinion on the blade-holder, substantially as herein set forth.
2. In a machine for stropping razor-blades, the combination with a handle-frame, of a rod fixed on the frame and extending longitudinally and centrally over the same, a blade-holder mounted rotativeiy on the upper end of said rod, a pinion connected with the blade-holder, a plate pivoted to the handle-frame between said frame and the rod carrying the blade-holder and having friction-arms and a rack on said plate engaging the pinion on the blade-holder substantially as herein set forth.
3. In a machine for stropping razor-blades, the combination with a handle-frame, of a rod fixed on the frame and extending longitudinally and centrally over the same, a blades holder mounted rotativeiy on the upper end of said rod, a pinion connected with the blade-holder, a plate pivoted to the handle-frame to swing between said frame and the rod carrying the blade-holder, a friction-arm projecting from the upper end of said plate, on each side of the blade-holder, and a rack on said plate engaging the pinion on the blade-holder, an arm on said plate at the swinging end thereof, and a roller on said arm running on the under side of the handle-frame, at the upper end thereof, substantially as herein set forth.
4. The combination with a handle-frame, of a swinging friction-plate pivoted to the same, a reversible blade-holder mounted on a rod held rigidly on the handle-frame and means for reversing said blade-holder from the swinging plate, substantially us herein set forth.
5. The combination with a handle-frame, of a swinging friction-plate pivoted to the same, a reversible blade-holder on a fixed support on said frame and means for reversing said blade-holder from the swinging plate, substantially as herein shown and described.
Signed at New York city, in the county of New York and State of New York, this 14th day of July, A. D. 1900.
Frederick Kampfe.
Richard Kampfe.
Otto Kampfe.
N. M. Flannery,
Oscar F. Sims.