Stropping Machine
Patent US712384
Reissue USRE12164
Invention Machine for Stropping Razor-Blades
Filed Wednesday, 7th May 1902
Published Tuesday, 28th October 1902
Inventors Frederick, Otto and Richard Kampfe
Language English
CPC Classification:B24D15/08
- B24D15/08
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges of knives; of razors - B
Performing Operations; Transporting - B24
Grinding; Polishing - B24D
Tools For Grinding, Buffing, Or Sharpening - B24D15/00
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping - B24D15/06
Hand tools or other devices for non-rotary grinding, polishing, or stropping specially designed for sharpening cutting edges
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Parts not referenced in the text: None
Parts not referenced in the images: None
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we,Frederick Kampfe, Richard Kampfe, and Otto Kampfe, citizens of the United States, residing in New York, borough of Brooklyn, county of Kings, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Machines for Stropping Razor-Blades, of which the following is a specification.
This invention relates to certain improvements in the machine for stropping razor-blades, for which Letters Patent were granted to us on September 25, 1900, No. 656,649
The invention consists, further, of a stropping device for razor-blades in which the blade-holder is arranged at an obtuse angle of inclination to the axis of the rod pivoted to the handle-frame; and the invention consists, lastly, of certain details of construction, which will be fully described hereinafter and finally pointed out in the claims.
In the accompanying drawings,
Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts.
Referring to the drawings,
The pivot-rod
To the sleeve
For facilitating the handling of the device a convex bent-up finger-rest
The blade-holder is not placed in line with the axis of the pivot-rod
The stropping is accomplished in the usual manner by drawing the blade over the strop so that its cutting edge is moved in backward direction until it arrives at the end of the strop, when the blade is reversed—i. e., the device is moved in inverse direction—and as the pressure on the implement causes the blade-holder to retain its position the frame-handle moves in inverse direction until the right-hand edge of the frame arrives at the blade-holder, whereupon the pressure is exerted in inverse direction on the blade-holder, so that owing to the friction between the blade-holder and strop the entire device is moved in inverse direction, so that by the alternating movements of the blade-holder over the strop and the coaction of the handle-frame with its segmental rack and the pinion on the pivot-rod of the blade-holder the blade is turned through an angle of one hundred and eighty degrees on its back and the blade placed in backward direction on the strop, &c. This oscillating motion of the blade-holder from one side to the other is greatly facilitated by the inclined position of the same to the pivot-rod of the stropping device, as by the simultaneous pressure exerted on the back of the blade-holder and the movement of the handle-frame with its rack and pinion the immediate reversing of the blade on the blade-holder takes place at each end of the stropping motion of the blade, so that the ready setting of the teeth of the blade is obtained. This is more specifically illustrated by
Having thus described our invention, we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—
1. In a razor-blade-stropping device, the combination, with a handle-frame, of a stationary segmental rack on said frame, a rod pivoted to said frame concentric with the rack, a blade-holder mounted on said rod, a pinion on the shank of the blade-holder engaging with the rack, and a retaining-arm on the pivot-rod extending through a segmental slot of the handle-frame and provided with an antifriction-roller at the under side of the frame, substantially as set forth.
2. In a razor-blade-stropping device, the combination, with a handle-frame, of a finger-rest upon each side of the frame, a palm-rest button at the end of the frame, a segmental rack secured on said frame extending between the finger-rests, a rod pivoted on said frame concentric with the rack, a pinion on said rod engaging the rack, a blade-holder connected with said pinion, and a retaining-arm attached to the pivot-rod and extending through the slot of the handle-frame, said arm being provided with an antifriction-roller at its under side, substantially as set forth.
3. In a razor-blade-stropping device, the combination, with a handle-frame, of a stationary segmental rack on said frame, a rod pivoted to the handle-frame, a blade-holder connected with said pivot-rod, a sleeve connected with the blade-holder and provided with a pinion engaging said rack, and means for retaining the pinion in engagement with the rack, said blade-holder being arranged at an obtuse angle of inclination toward the axis of the pivot-rod, substantially as set forth.
4. In a machine for stropping razor-blades, the combination of a blade-holder and a pivot-rod connected therewith, said blade-holder being arranged at an obtuse angle of inclination to the axis of the pivot-rod, substantially as set forth.
In testimony that we claim the foregoing as our invention we have signed our names in presence of two subscribing witnesses.
Frederick Kampfe.
Richard Kampfe.
Otto Kampfe.
Paul Goepel,
C. Bradway.