Single Edge Razor
Patent US851066
Invention Razor
Filed Sunday, 25th June 1905
Published Tuesday, 23rd April 1907
Inventor Henrie Clauss
Language English
CPC Classification:For a full resolution version of the images click here
A PDF version of the original patent can be found here.
Parts not referenced in the text: None
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To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Henrie Clauss, a citizen of the United States, residing at Fremont, in the county of Sandusky, State of Ohio, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Razors; and I do declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact deseription of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the figures of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specification.
This invention relates to razors, and is applicable more particularly to razors of the safety type.
The invention consists in the peculiar construction and arrangement of parts hereinafter fully set forth and pointed out particularly in the claims.
The primary object of the invention is to produce a razor blade of flat and comparatively thin steel which may be cheaply constructed and which is provided with a strengthening back of comparatively inexpensive material which stiffens the flat blade so as to render it practicable for use and which enables the blade to be honed and stropped the same as ordinary razor blades, obviating the necessity of throwing the blade away after it has become dull or returning it to the manufacturer for sharpening, as is necessary in the use of the thin flexible blades on the market.
A further object is to produce a blade of the character described in the manufacture of which the operation of grinding and polishing is reduced to the minimum, thereby materially reducing the cost of construction.
A further object is to produce a thin and flat blade which may be cheaply constructed and which is of such a character as to enable it to be used in any of the common types of safety razors, the blade being of s formation which enables the user to hone and strop it, if
A further object is to produce a blade which may be ground and polished with the grain of the steel instead of across the grain, as is common.
The above objects are attained by the structure Illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which:—
Referring to the characters of reference,
When the blade is in position in a safety razor, the back rests upon the blade-supporting plate
It will be seen that a blade formed of a thin, flat piece of steel as herein shown, may be cheaply constructed because of the fact that no grinding and polishing is required thereon except at the extreme edge where the blade is ground on opposite sides lengthwise with the grain instead of across the grain as in the grinding of blades made from a thick piece of steel. It will also be understood that the presence of the strengthening rib at the back holds the blade from springing and renders it sufficiently rigid to be used in any of the ordinary safety razors, and at the same time enables the blade to be honed and stropped in the same manner as are the safety razor blades in ordinary use. It will also be understood that by making a safety razor blade as herein shown, a great saving is made in the cost of material and in the labor required to prepare the blade for use.
Having thus fully set forth my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:—
The combination with a blade holder having a blade supporting surface, and a guard at its forward end, of a blade consisting of a thin, flat piece of steel of uniform thickness ground at its cutting edge on opposite sides, and a strengthening back of greater transverse diameter than the blade in which the rear edge of the blade is seated, the back of the blade adapted to rest upon the supporting plate and raise the front thereof sufficiently to cause the cutting edge of the blade to lie closely upon the guard and a spring mounted on the holder and engaging the reinforced back of the blade for holding the blade in position.
In testimony whereof, sign this specification in the presence of two witnesses.
Henrie Clauss.
Arthur Stull,
B. H. Adler.