Duplex Style Razor
Patent US881731
Invention Safety-Razor
Filed Friday, 15th September 1905
Published Tuesday, 10th March 1908
Inventor Levi T. Snow
Language English
CPC Classification:B26B21/10
- B26B21/10
Safety razors with one or more blades arranged longitudinally to the handle - B
Performing Operations; Transporting - B26
Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing - B26B
Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For - B26B21/00
Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor - B26B21/08
Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor involving changeable blades
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Parts not referenced in the text: None
Parts not referenced in the images: None
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Levi T. Snow, a citizen of the United States, residing at New Haven, in the county of New Haven and State of Connecticut, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Safety-Razors; and I do declare the following, when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings and the letters of reference marked thereon, to be a full, clear, and exact description of the same, and which said drawings constitute part of this specification, and represent, in—
My invention relates to an improvement in safety razors, the object being to produce a simple and compact device constructed with particular reference to superior convenience and effectiveness in use.
With these ends in view my invention consists in a safety razor having certain details of construction as will be hereinafter described and pointed out in the claims.
As herein shown I use a tubular handle
The outer end of the lever
It is apparent that in carrying out my invention some changes from the construction herein shown and described may be made. I would therefore have it understood that I do not limit myself thereto but hold myself at liberty to make such departures therefrom as fairly fall within the spirit and scope of my invention.
Having fully described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:—
1. In a safety razor, the combination with a handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the comb, and means placed over the front of the comb for engaging with the edges thereof for deflecting the said edges with respect to the edges of the blade.
2. In a safety razor, the combination with a handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, a locking-lever pivoted at one end for holding a double-edged razor blade against one face of the comb with which it is alined when it is in its closed position, and means applied to the opposite face of the comb for engaging with the edges thereof for deflecting the said edges with respect to the edges of the blade.
3. In a safety razor, the combination with a handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the comb, an operating-plate placed over the front of the comb and engaging with the edges thereof for flexing the same with respect to the edges of the blade, and means for connecting the said plate with the backing-piece for moving it laterally with respect thereto and for connecting it with the handle for its longitudinal movement.
4. In a safety razor, the combination with a handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a longitudinally flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, a locking-lever pivoted at its inner end to the inner end of the backing-piece and adapted to hold a double-edged razor blade against the back of the backing-piece with the outer end of which its outer end is coupled when it is alined with the comb, and means coupled with the backing piece and with the handle for engagement with the front of the comb for flexing the same with respect to the edges of the blade.
5. In a safety razor, the combination with a tubular handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a longitudinally-flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means connected at its ends with the backing-piece for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the comb, a laterally and longitudinally movable operating-plate engaging with the front of the comb for flexing the same with respect to the edges of the blade, and means for coupling the said plate with the backing-piece for its lateral movement with respect thereto and for coupling it with the handle for its longitudinal movement.
6. In a safety razor, the combination with a tubular handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a longitudinally flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the backing-piece, a longitudinally arranged operating-plate for engagement with the front of the comb for flexing the same longitudinally with respect to the edges of the blade, the said plate having a shank extending into the tubular handle, means for coupling the operating-plate with the backing-piece for its lateral movement with respect thereto, and means located in the tubular handle and engaging with the shank of the operating-plate for moving the same longitudinally.
7. In a safety razor, the combination with a tubular handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a longitudinally flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the comb, studs mounted in the backing-piece, an operating-plate coacting with the said studs for its lateral movement with respect to the said backing-piece and engaging with the front of the comb for flexing it with respect to the edges of the blade, and means mounted in the handle for moving the operating-plate longitudinally.
8. In a safety razor, the combination with a tubular handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a longitudinally flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece, means for holding a double-edged razor-blade against the back of the comb, studs having beveled notches mounted in the backing-piece near the upper and lower ends thereof respectively, an operating-plate having openings receiving the said studs and bevels for coaction with the bevels thereof, the said plate engaging with the comb for its longitudinal flexure with respect to the edges of the said blade, and means located in the tubular handle and engaging with the inner end of the operating-plate for mowing the same longitudinally.
9. In a safety razor, the combination with a handle, of an alined backing-piece rigid therewith, a flexible double-edged comb applied to the back of the backing-piece and projecting beyond the edges thereof, means for holding a double-edged razor blade against the back of the comb, and a concave operating-plate placed over the, front face of the comb and engaging with the edges thereof for flexing the same with respect to the edges of the razor, and means for moving the said plate laterally with respect to the blade and longitudinally with respect to the said handle.
In testimony whereof, I have signed this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
Levi T. Snow.
Clara L. Weed,
George D, Seymour.