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Single Edge Razor

Patent US895997

Invention Safety-Razor

Filed Monday, 14th October 1907

Published Tuesday, 11th August 1908

Inventor James H. Flagg

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • B26B21/446
    Shaving aid stored in the razor handle
  • B
    Performing Operations; Transporting
  • B26
    Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing
  • B26B
    Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For
  • B26B21/00
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor
  • B26B21/40
    Details or accessories
  • B26B21/44
    Means integral with, or attached to, the razor for storing shaving-cream, styptic, or the like

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United States Patent Office.

James H. Flagg, of New York, N. Y. Safety-Razor.
No. 895,997. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Aug. 11, 1908.
Application filed October 14, 1907. Serial No. 397,288

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, James H. Flagg, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the city of New York, borough of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented a new and Improved Safety-Razor, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description.

This invention relates to certain improvements in safety razors of that type in which there is provided a blade detachable from the holding means and having a guard supported adjacent the cutting edge.

In my improved construction all of the parts save the blade are attached together, so that there is no liability of any of the parts becoming lost. The edge of the blade which is not being used is concealed and protected, so that it cannot contact with any object to injure the latter or dull the former. The guard is adjusted in a simple manner, and is itself provided with a cup, preferably integral therewith, to receive the lather from the blade.

Reference is to be had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part of this specification, in which similar characters of reference indicate corresponding parts in all the figures, and in which

Figure 1 is a perspective view of a razor constructed in accordance with my invention; Fig. 2 is a central longitudinal section; and Fig. 3 is a transverse section on the line 3—3 of Fig. 2.

The main body portion of my razor is preferably formed from a single piece of sheet metal cut and stamped to the desired form, the only parts formed of separate pieces being the guard, the blade, the means for securing the blade in position, and the means for adjusting the position of the guard.

As shown, the handle 10 carries at its outer end a transverse supporting plate 11, upon which the cutting blade is normally secured, and this supporting plate is connected to the handle by two side bars 12 forming a yoke. The plate 11 stands at an acute angle to the general direction of the handle, although the particular inclination of the blade may be varied, if desired. The rear edge of the plate, that is, the edge uniting with the side bars 12, is provided with a recess 13 therein, and the plate adjacent the side of the recess is provided with an upturned flange 14 adapted to enter a recess in the razor blade to retain the latter in position. The blade 15 is formed of a thin piece of steel of substantially the same size as the plate 11, and having a longitudinal slot therein adapted for the reception of the upturned portion 14. With the razor blade in position, one edge thereof extends slightly beyond the free edge of the plate 11, while the opposite edge of the blade lies adjacent the rear edge of the plate.

For securing the razor blade in position, there is provided a retaining cover or bar 16 hinged to the plate 11 at one side thereof, and of substantially the same size as said plate. The cover is provided with a longitudinal slot for the reception of the flange or projection 14, and along its rear side the cover carries a downturned flange 17 serving to effectively and completely conceal the rear edge of the razor blade and prevent injury thereto. At the free end of the cover 16, there is provided a spring catch 18 adapted to engage with the lower edge of the flange 19 on the supporting plate 11 to hold the blade-retaining cover in its closed position.

Adjacent the exposed edge of the blade, there is provided a guard 20 formed of a plurality of curved teeth, the free ends of which extend inwardly and lie adjacent the free edge of the plate 11. The free edge of the razor blade normally lies substantially tangential to the curve of the teeth and spaced a very slight distance therefrom. The lower portion of the guard, that is, the portion connecting the teeth, is formed with an outwardly-extending flange 21, which serves to form a retaining cup for the lather. The guard is adjustable in respect to the supporting plate 11, and the razor blade 15, so as to expose more or less of said blade as may be desired.

For supporting the guard and adjusting its position, the handle 10 is provided with a central bar or arm 22, intermediate the two side bars or arms 12 and extending slightly forward therefrom. This arm preferably extends in a line at substantially right angles to the plane of the razor blade. The outer end of the arm is bent to form a substantially cylindrical sleeve 23, serving to receive a hollow stud 24 on the rear side of the guard. The stud 24 is threaded to receive an adjusting screw 25 carried by the arm 22 at the end of the sleeve. The adjusting screw is preferably provided with a flange 26, normally preventing the removal of the screw from the supporting arm, and at its outer end is provided with a pivoted loop 27, normally lying in engagement with the arm or bar 22 but movable outwardly to serve as means for rotating the adjusting screw. By means of the flange 26 and the head at the rear end of the screw, the latter is prevented from longitudinal movement in respect to the main body or frame of the razor, but the rotation of the screw draws in or out the stud 24,and varies accordingly the position of the guard. For separating the adjusting screw from the frame, it is rotated until the guard is disengaged therefrom and removed from the sleeve 23. The adjusting screw may then be moved laterally through the slot in the edge of the sleeve, and the screw and its flange 26 withdrawn through an opening 28 in the arm 22.

It is evident that the specific construction above described constitutes only one embodiment of my invention, and that various changes may be made within the scope of the claims without departing from the spirit of my invention.

Having thus described my invention, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent:

1. A safety razor, comprising a handle, a blade-supporting plate integral therewith and connected thereto by two arms or bars, said plate having a projection thereon, a blade adapted to engage with said projection, and means carried by said plate and movable in respect thereto for engaging with said blade to retain the same in engagement with the supporting plate.

2. A safety razor, comprising a handle, a blade-supporting plate, arms connecting said handle and said plate, and integral with both, a blade, means for retaining the blade in engagement with the plate, a guard, and means for adjustably supporting said guard adjacent the edge of the blade.

3. A safety razor, comprising a blade-supporting plate, having an outwardly-extending flange integral therewith and disposed longitudinally in respect to the blade, a blade adapted to engage with said flange to limit said blade against lateral movement, and means carried by said plate and adapted to engage with the outer surface of said blade for retaining the same in position.

4. A safety razor, comprising a handle, a plurality of arms integral therewith, a blade, means for supporting said blade from certain of said arms, a guard adjacent the edge of said blade, and means for adjustably supporting said guard from another of said arms.

5. A safety razor, including a blade, means for holding the blade, a guard adjacent the cutting edge of said blade, and a lather retaining cup integral with said guard and formed by an outwardly-extending flange at the base thereof.

6. A safety razor, comprising a handle, a blade-supporting plate integral therewith and connected thereto by two arms or bars, said plate having a projection thereon, a two-edged cutting blade having an opening therein for the reception of said projection, a hinged cover carried by said plate at one end thereof and adapted to retain said blade in engagement with its supporting plate, and a guard adjacent one edge of said blade.

7. A safety razor, comprising a handle, a blade-supporting plate, arms connecting said handle and said plate and integral with both, a razor blade, means for retaining the blade in engagement with said plate, a guard adjacent the edge of said blade, an arm integral with said handle, and means connecting said arm and said guard for adjusting the position of the latter.

8. In a safety razor, a handle, a blade support extending transversely thereof, arms adjacent the ends of said blade support and integral with said blade support and said handle, and a lather retainer supported by said handle from a point intermediate said arms.

In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.

James H. Flagg


Clair W. Fairbank,

Everard B. Marshall.