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Kampfe Safety Razor Casing

Patent USD27032

Invention Design for a Safety-Razor Casing

Filed Thursday, 2nd April 1896

Published Tuesday, 11th May 1897

Inventors Frederick, Otto and Richard Kampfe

Language English

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United States Patent Office.

Frederick Kampfe, Richard Kampfe, and Otto Kampfe, of Brooklyn, New York. Design for a Safety-Razor Casing
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 27,032, dated May 11, 1897. Application filed April 2, 1896. Serial No. 585,988. Term of patent 14 years.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that we, Frederick Kampfe, Richard Kampfe, and Otto Kampfe, citizens of the United States, and residents of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented a new and original Design for Safety-Razor Casings, of which the following is a specification.

In the accompanying drawing a perspective view of our newly-designed safety-razor casing is shown.

The leading features of our design are the box-shaped casing having a rounded bottom, a top guard, and an apertured projection or teat on the bottom.

In the drawing, A is the casing, B the guard, and C the apertured teat or projection.

We claim—

The design for safety-razor casings, substantially as herein shown and described.

In testimony that we claim the foregoing as our invention we have signed our names, in presence of two witnesses, this 25th day of March, 1896.

Frederick Kampfe.

Richard Kampfe.

Otto Kampfe.


H. Adolph Winkopp,

John Oestreid.