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Razor Guard

Patent US895920

Invention Guard for Safety-Razor

Filed Tuesday, 14th April 1908

Published Tuesday, 11th August 1908

Inventor Alonzo Abner Warner

Owner Landers, Frary and Clark

Language English

CPC Classification:   

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United States Patent Office.

Alonzo A. Warner, of New Britain, Connecticut, assignor to Landers, Frary and Clark, of New Britain, Connecticut, a corporation. Guard for Safety-Razor.
No. 895,920. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Aug. 11, 1908.
Application filed April 14, 1908. Serial No. 427,048

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Alonzo A. Warner, a citizen of the United States, residing at New Britain, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Guards for Safety-Razors, of which the following is a specification.

My invention relates to improvements in guards for safety razors, and the main object of my improvement is convenience and efficiency in operation.

In the accompanying drawing:—Figure 1 is a side elevation of my guard, including the guard holder. Fig. 2 is a like view of the reverse side of the same. Fig. 3 is an end view thereof. Fig. 4 is a side elevation of the guard without its holder. Fig. 5 is an edge view of the guard holder alone. Fig. 6 is a longitudinal section of the middle portion of the holder and guard on the line x x of Figs. 1 and 3.

The present invention is in the nature of an improvement upon the safety razor patented to me Feb. 16, 1908, Patent No. 878,841, and resides in a stop device for locating the guard and holder in their proper relative position as they are slipped longitudinally into place, and also to a supplemental spring on one member of the guard holder.

The guard, including its holder, may be used upon a razor blade like that disclosed in my aforesaid patent, or upon any ordinary blade to which it may be fitted. As in my aforesaid patent, the guard proper A, consists of a comb like plate having ordinary guard teeth 7 and on one of its broad sides a series of longitudinal grooves 8. The guard holder B, consists of two spring members 9 and 10, and a hollow back 11, at their junction, the same being formed of a single piece of sheet metal doubled upon itself along the line of the hollow back, the member 9 having also an upturned lip or flange 12 for engaging any desired groove in the series of longitudinal grooves 8, as in the aforesaid patent.

I form a middle recess or depression 13 in the broad side of the body of the guard A, transversely to the grooves 8 as best shown in Fig. 4. In the middle portion of the member 9 I form an inset 14 which projects inwardly from the inner face of the said member and engages the depression 13 in the guard. In slipping the guard and holder longitudinally relatively to each other, the resiliency of the holder permits it to open sufficiently to have the inset slide along over the grooves and to snap into place as soon as the depression and insect register with each other, thereby stopping the longitudinal movement of the guard and holder when they are in the proper position and holding them there until they are forced out of place.

The member 10 of the guard B is slotted longitudinally by the slit or slot 15, Fig. 2, and the metal below the said slit 15 is bowed inwardly to form a supplemental and longitudinally extended spring 16, as best shown in Fig. 5, whereby the parts are always pressed together in a firm and substantial manner. The razor blade is slipped longitudinally with reference to the guard with its back in the upper part of the holder and the lower part of the blade in between the member 10 and the confronting side of the guard.

I claim as my invention:

1. The combination of a guard having a transverse recess In its body, and a resilient guard holder having two members for holding the said guard between them, one of the said members having on its inner face a projection for engaging the said recess in the body of the guard.

2. The combination of a guard holder having two members, with a guard adapted to be held between the said two members, one of the said members of the said holder being provided with a longitudinally extended and inwardly bowed spring.

3. The combination of a guard having a transverse recess in its body and a resilient guard holder having two members for holding the said guard between them, one of the said members having on its inner face a projection for engaging the said recess and the other of the said members having a longitudinally extended and inwardly bowed spring.

Alonzo A. Warner.


Joseph F. Lamb,

H. W. Spellmen.