Schick Band Razors for Dummies

Since I've done dummies guides on the other Schick razors might as well do one on the band razors for completeness sake.
Schick Band Razors

Production date 1966 - 1978/79

Schick's first foray into band razors was in 1966 almost a full year after Gillette introduced the Techmatic band razor. In 1967 they introduced the first Lady Eversharp band razor. The Lady Eversharp band razors were sold from 1967 - 1973. The Lady Eversharp band razors came in various handle colors like pink and turquoise. In 1968 they introduced the brand name Instamatic to the band razors which was used up until they stopped producing them which is assumed to be 1978 but it is known some retailers still had them on clearance as late as 1979.

The razors came in two major handle styles.

The first style only applies US made band razors for men from 1966 - 1969. They have a metal rounded portion on the handle.

The second style was first introduced on the Lady Eversharp razors in the US in 1967 and first used on men's band razors produced in the US from 1969 until 1978/79. The handle style is also known to have been used on men's band razors in Canada starting in 1967 a full two years prior. These do not have that metal rounded portion on the handle. They also came in two logo styles. In 1972 they switched the logo from Schick with the triangle to a smaller lettering Schick which was underlined just like they did with the injector razors.

1st logo, 1969 example:

2nd logo, 1972 and later:

1967 Canadian example:

Lady Eversharp band razors:

Group picture of all the different known types of Schick and Lady Eversharp band razor handles:

Band razor timeline

First instance of the band razor in 1966:

First instance of the Lady Eversharp band razor in 1967:

First instance of the Instamatic brand name in 1968:

Last instance of the 1st handle style for men's band razors in 1969:

First instance of the 2nd handle style for men's band razors in 1969:

Last instance of the Lady Eversharp band razor in 1973:

Last instance of the men's band razor in 1979: